User Access Groups Follow
If you use Gomo Central then you can choose which courses a Learner has access to. This is achieved by creating User Access Groups in Gomo Hosting. Learners and courses can be linked to different Access Groups.
Creating a User Access Group
Select Gomo Central > USER ACCESS GROUPS and select Add group
Enter the group name and description and select Save
Your User Access Group will be added to the list
Add a Learner to a User Access Group
Go to Gomo central > USERS and search for the Learner you want to add to the group. Select the User ID to load the Learner's details
Click on the USER ACCESS GROUP dropdown to view the available groups
Once you've selected the group it will be added to the Learner's record
Link a course to a User Access Group
Select the Projects tab and search for the course you want to add to the group. Click on the course to load the course details
n SETTINGS select gomo central. Click on the USER ACCESS GROUP dropdown to view the available groups
Once you've selected the group it will be added to the Course details
When the learner logs into Gomo Central they will be able to view the Course that they have been provided access to.
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