How to change the translation for next/back arrow hover text Follow
You can update the text that appears over the Next/Back arrows in your projects
The following steps detail how to update this information:
- Export the XLIFF for the project
- Unzip the localization file for the language you want to update
- Use Ctrl + F to locate the following line of code in the file: "NAV_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" entity-type="localization" secondary-id=""><source><![CDATA[Next]]></source><target><![CDATA[Next]]></target>
- Update 'Next' in the target field to the required translation: "NAV_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" entity-type="localization" secondary-id=""><source><![CDATA[Next]]></source><target><![CDATA[Suivant]]></target>
- Save the change
- Import the localization file back into the project
- Preview the project and switch to the required language
- When you hover over the Next arrow the translation will show
** to update the Back arrow text simply change the target field in "NAV_BACK_BUTTON_TEXT" (steps 3 & 4)
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