Assets - all the things you can add to content screens Follow
The layout asset type provides you with the ability to lay content out in columns on the screen.
Content block
- A content block allows you to configure screen content into columns. Content assets can be dropped into the columns of a content block. When adding a content block to a screen, users can choose from 1 to 4 columns.
Media assets enable you to add audio, video, or embedded content (from an external site) onto a screen.
Audio player
- An asset for playing and controlling MP3 audio files.
Video player
- An asset for playing and controlling MP4 video files.
- An asset for embedding external content (e.g a YouTube video).
Presentation assets enable you to add interactive (or static) content elements onto a screen to present your content in a rich, engaging manner.
- Display a clickable list of content items which when clicked expand out to reveal additional content.
- A button asset that can be linked to an action (e.g. link to a sub-screen, open an external link, set image state, or set a variable).
- Display a group of images and text in an interactive carousel that users can paginate through.
- Display a group of images with interactive click states and text content relating to the image content.
Countdown Timer
- A timer that counts down and when complete will execute actions
- Display content as a sequence of image and text-based content that users can paginate through.
Hotspot image
- An advanced image asset that supports the placement of clickable hotspots which can be associated with an action.
- Clickable text list that can link items to sub-screens.
- A basic image asset for displaying images (JPG, PNG, GIF) on screen.
Image Markers
- An advanced image asset that supports the placement of clickable markers which can be associated with an action.
Image Wall
- Display a group of images that can be clicked on to reveal a full-screen version of the image and accompanying text.
Image button
- This will allow for a graphic with rollover states to have one or more actions applied to it.
Menu button
- A menu button that can be linked to a topic and display the topic duration and progress indicator.
- A horizontal line asset that can be styled to provide separation of content on screen.
- A basic text asset for displaying text on the screen.
Zoomable image
- An advanced image asset that enables end-users to zoom in to an image to view it in more detail.
Question assets enable you to add knowledge checks or full assessments/quizzes to a course.
Assessment Results
- Sets up the good pass/basic pass/fail mark for an assessment and the feedback an end user will receive from an assessment based on their score.
Drag and Drop
- This question asset allows one or more options to be dragged into drop areas and may provide feedback.
Dropdown List
- Allows the learner to choose from a number of items presented in a drop-down list, one of which is correct.
Dropdowns on Graphic
- Allows the learner to choose options from a number of drop-down list items positioned on top of an image. Each drop-down list supports one correct item.
Graphical Multiple Choice
- Allows the end-user to choose from a series of images (two or more), one of which is correct.
Graphical Select from ListAllows the end-user to choose from a series of images (two or more), one or more of which is correct.
Hotspot Multiple Choice
- Allows the end-user to choose from a series of hotspots on an image, one of which is correct.
- Allows you to create Likert scale interactions for inclusion in your courses. You can configure your scale (e.g. Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree) and the questions you want learners to respond to.
Multiple Choice
- Allows the end-user to choose from a number of options in a list, one of which is correct.
Number input
- Allows the user to enter a number, following which a selected sub-screen can be shown as feedback based on whether they entered the correct or incorrect number.
Select from List
- Allows the user to select multiple items from a list, one or more of which is correct.
Text input
- Allows the user to enter text, following which a selected sub-screen can be shown as feedback.
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