What’s the difference between responsive learning and adaptive learning? Follow
Gomo is built from the ground up as a multi-device learning authoring tool that enables you to build content once and publish it once to desktop, tablets, and smartphones. Content produced in Gomo is both responsive and adaptive to ensure it uses the available screen space in the most optimal way while maintaining the quality of the learning experience.
Responsive content
Responsive relates to how the content repositions itself based on the screen space available. Simply put, for devices like a desktop PC or tablet, you can create content to appear in a two, three, or four-column layout.

However, when the same content is viewed on a smartphone, the device does not have enough space available to show three columns, so the content automatically responds and is displayed in the most effective way possible.

Adaptive content
Content adaptation is about adjusting the way a content interaction behaves based on the type of device and available screen space. The following screenshot demonstrates the Gomo comic strip interaction. This interaction shows items in a visual gallery that can support multiple columns and multiple rows to provide a comic book style treatment for displaying content.

Owing to the space available on a smartphone, it is not possible to show the content in this way, and therefore the content automatically adapts to present itself in an alternative way that is optimized for the given screen dimensions.

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