Creating an assessment and tracking a score back to an LMS Follow
You can use questions anywhere in your Gomo project as knowledge checks as a learner progresses through the course. You can also create a more formal assessment, setting up pass/fail scores, giving the learner feedback based on their score, and then tracking that score back to a Learning Management System. At the heart of this is the Assessment Results asset. Here's how you use it:
- First of all create a topic with a series of questions, with one question per screen.
- Add in an extra screen after the last question.
- Drag and drop an Assessment Results asset from the QUESTION section of the ASSETS panel into the extra screen:
- This will add the Assessment Results asset to the content area:
- Now double click on it to configure:
- First of all set the pass/fail boundary in percent in the Basic pass box (default is 75%). You can also set a different value in percent in the Good pass box if you want to give feedback to a learner who has done particularly well.
- Now enter the feedback to be shown based on the learner's score in the quiz using the High pass feedback, Base pass feedback and Failed feedback boxes. In addition to the text markup available through the toolbar such as bold, italic and bullet lists, you can also insert extra markup yourself to provide additional information such as score and total number of questions in the assessment. The markup you can use is as follows:
- [percent] (the learner's percentage score)
- [right] (the number of questions the learner got right)
- [wrong] (the number of questions the learner got wrong)
- [total] (the total number of questions in the assessment)
- [s] or [ws] (used for making words like question plural as "you got 6 questions right")
Note that, as a percent, the score passed back is out of a maximum of 100 and a minimum of 0.
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