Updated Preview/sharelink Functionality Follow
We have introduced some new messaging in our Preview and Sharelink functionality. These messages will appear if you preview your course while a change is saved in the Editor
The messaging will give you the option to continue previewing the course OR refresh the preview so that it contains the latest edits
If you are viewing your course while a change is made you will receive the following message
This will appear in the top right of your preview/sharelink screen
If you select Ok then your preview/sharelink will automatically refresh. Please note: This will take you back to the first screen of the topic you were just previewing
If you select Cancel the following message will appear.
This will be displayed and remain in the top right of your preview/sharelink
To reload latest content on Preview: Select the refresh icon in the browser or the preview
To reload latest content on Sharelink: Select the refresh icon in your web browser
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