2023 Release Notes Follow
To help you keep track of the ongoing development and enhancement of the Gomo learning suite, we will now be maintaining a summary of release notes in this article. Please check back often to see the latest information about updates and enhancements to the product suite.
November 2023 - Version 3.54 - 3.54.2
OpenAI powered Asset translation feature!
-Accessibility improvements
-Editor bug fixes
-Transcript lable bugfix
September - October 2023 -Version 3.53 - 3.53.2
Asset rework: Comic Strip Replacement
Improved project re-build process
Deleted topics no longer included in publishes
Publish option disabled when build is in progress
Drag and Drop asset improvements
Video full screen mode improvements
Bug fixes:
Italics text visibility fixed in mobile devices
Glossary on Vinte theme was misaligned
Filmstrip in Accessible mode fixed
Animation delays corrected to reflect the actual configuration
Font upload is fixed on Windows 10 systems
Text in the translated Hotspot asset appeared in the default language.
June - August 2023 - Verison 3.51.0 - 3.52.2
New Feature: Publish to Bridge Font Uploader, PDF Export
Assert conversion- Number input, Dropdown list, State Selector
Bug fixes - Asset correctness display condition in subscreens, Alignment setting for GMCQ & GSFL, Popover screens title display, screen reader labels for video & audio
A11y improvements - Navigation extra labels, Focus indicator, screen reader labels for video & audio
Various Hotfixes -Hotfix for course loading, inline text link on cont scroll topics
: Popover screens title display, screen reader labels for video & audio
May - June2023 - Version 3.50.2 - 3.50.03
Asset Conversion: Graphical MCQ, Graphical SFL
A11y Improvements: Countdown timer, Filmstrip, DnD,
Likert Improvements: New languages added to multi lang support
Bug Fixes: Correct indicators on SFL, Text Input on Mobiles
New Feature: Option to define attempts in SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 publishes.
Various Hotfixes Hotfix for Image Button Popover positioning
April 2023 - Version 3.48.1 - 3.50.0
Various bug fixes to the following assets: Filmstrip, Content bank and popup/popover subscreens, Drag and drop,
Asset Conversion:Graphical Multiple Choice Questions, Graphical SFL
A11y Improvements:Countdown timer, Filmstrip, Drag andn Drop, Likert
Improvements:New languages added to multi language support
Bug Fixes:Correct indicators on SFL, Expired hosting accounts now disabled, Fix cache issue affecting users after deployments, Text Input on Mobile
New Feature:Option to define attempts in SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 publishes.
March 2023 - Version 3.47.3 - 3.48.1
- Subscreen Refactor & Zoomable image asset, Separator asset, Image button conversion for MCQ learner response
- Hotfix for incorrect audio being played
- Hotfix for Filmstrip scrolling
- Hotfixes for Image wall and Gomo Delivery User Count
- Vulnerability fix for session hijacks, ability to add deleted users, image wall translations fix, Learning Locker EC2 restart
- Hotfix for unlimited attempts on MCQ
- Hot fixes - break in Audio Transcript,
- Audio asset in Comic Strip and Filmstrip, Accordion not displaying on translation in launch topic
- Hotfixes for screenshot failures, topic switching when in non default language and endless quiz attempts when in non default language
January to February 2023 - Version 3.46.1 - 3.47.1
- Carousel Accessibility Improvements
- Menu button aria-label update
- Add field for a Subject to Mailto action
- Video controls updated for iOS devices
- Improved A11y for search navigation extra to include what you are searching for
- SSO Stage 2: Support for same SSO ID in multiple accounts and multiple roles in same account
1 comment
This is too brief. It would be helpful to see more information not only about new enhancements but also bugs that were fixed, as well as your product roadmap.
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