Gomo Accessibility Updates Follow
We've been very busy releasing accessibility updates every quarter. Please find the updates below:
- Countdown Timer update so that the element used to update screen readers will not be rendered if the time is set to hidden
- MCQ and SFL update to ensure that the associated text is read when selecting the associated group
- Improvements to Menu navigation extra by removing duplication of the title text in screen readers
- iFrame video updated to support accessible mode
- Images which contain empty alt text have been updated:
- The alt attribute is present, but empty alt=""
- We’ve removed pages from the tab index
- The title has been added to the Extras modal
- All extra modals have aria-labelledby attributes and there is a h2 title in each modal
- Buttons can now be activated by ENTER or SPACE
- Carousel now supports keyboard and screen reader navigation
- Menu button aria-label update
- Improved A11y for search navigation extra to include what you are searching for
- Tab index updates to support the following order:
- Top toolbar
- Screen content
- Next and back buttons (same on Horizontal, Vertical navigation and Continuous scroll)
- Bottom toolbar
- A11y updates for translations: Updated role attributes, added aria-label to language list items
- We’ve added an aria-label to the page count, so that by default it will read page (number of number)
- Accordion asset: Expanded/collapsed states have been updated to announce correctly. This now includes a heading tag, to improve the user experience when using a screen reader
- Filmstrip asset: Each subscreen is only accessible when it is the active/visible subscreen in the filmstrip. Changed up and down button’s role attribute to “button”
- Audio asset: Labels added to control audio properties and read out the asset name
- Subscreens now close when ESC is pressed
- Tabbing on inline actions has been fixed in multi language courses
- Hotspot Image asset has been updated for the JAWS screen reader to correctly identify hyperlinks
- Screen readers will automatically focus on subscreens when opened
- We have improved the way that button states are set within HTML
- We've improved the image alt text (description) to include the correct rendering of special characters.
- We have updated our landmarks to improve the ability for screen-reader users to navigate quickly around content
- Aria-label is set correctly on Menu buttons as per the topic status
- Aria-label is applied based on active language
- When using a screen-reader the checked state of each question checkbox is now announced accurately
We are committed to improving accessibility, working towards WCAG compliance in 2023.
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